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The Gastronomy of Murcia: flavors between the greenhouse and the sea

The Gastronomy of Murcia: flavors between the greenhouse and the sea

The Region of Murcia, located in the southeast of Spain, boasts one of the most exquisite and varied cuisines in Spain. Its cuisine reflects its history, geography, and climate, using fresh ingredients from the sea and the garden to create dishes that delight both locals and visitors. The region, known as "the orchard of Europe," is famous for its abundance and variety of agricultural products. Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters, Murcia harvests a wide range of unparalleled quality fruits and vegetables year-round: peppers, tomatoes, artichokes, melons, and lemons. Below, we explore some dishes that make Murcian cuisine a unique culinary experience worldwide.

Caldero del Mar Menor

Caldero rice is an emblematic dish of the Region of Murcia, especially from the Mar Menor area. Originating from the coastal town of San Pedro del Pinatar, this traditional rice and fish stew has its roots in fishermen's cuisine, who used the day's fresh catch and available ingredients to prepare a nutritious and comforting meal. A dish that fuses the essence of the Mediterranean with the richness of local ingredients.


Paparajotes are one of the most traditional and beloved sweets in the Region of Murcia. This dessert of Arab origin is a true icon of Murcian gastronomy, and its preparation and enjoyment are deeply rooted in local culture. Paparajotes are made using lemon tree leaves, a common plant in the Murcian orchard. The recipe begins by beating a mixture of flour, milk, egg, sugar, and lemon zest. This batter is used to coat the lemon leaves. Once coated, the lemon leaves are fried in abundant hot oil until golden and crispy. Then, they are generously sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, giving them a sweet and aromatic final touch. It is important to note that the lemon leaves, although part of the dessert, are not eaten; their function is to provide aroma and flavor to the dessert.


This simple yet delicious dish perfectly represents the values of Murcian inland cuisine: authentic flavor and humble origins. Zarangollo is, in short, a scramble of zucchini, onion, potato, and egg. Zarangollo is served hot, often as a tapa or as a side dish. It is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed alone or with bread, and its simplicity allows the natural flavors of the ingredients to shine.


Salazones are an ancient culinary tradition on the coast of Murcia, deeply rooted in Mediterranean culture and lifestyle. This food preservation technique, which involves salting fish to prolong its shelf life and enhance its flavor, dates back to Roman times. The main salazones products are mojama -tuna loins carefully dried and salted- and hueva -the cured roe sack of the mullet in salt-.


An iconic appetizer. This bite consists of a long, crispy ring -serving as a base- topped with a small portion of Russian salad. On top of it, to finish the dish, a salted anchovy is placed.

Pulpo al horno

This dish needs no introduction. The oven-cooking method allows it to retain its juiciness, and the octopus acquires a deep and delicious flavor, thanks to the combination of spices and the dry heat of the oven.

